Kris Kringle’s Kraft Fair

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Come in and start your Christmas shopping early!
OCAG 22 Chestnut Ave, Island Heights, NJ
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

The Ocean County Artists Guild will host Santa and Mrs. Claus to visit with the children.  Enjoy cookies, hot cocoa and holiday crafts along with the opportunity to shop from over a dozen vendors for art and handmade holiday gift items created by our local artists and artisans! 

Creative activities for the kids & a special table for them to shop for gifts for mom, dad, grandparents – and get them gift wrapped!

Admission is FREE but donations are greatly appreciated.

If you wish to participate in the “Christmas in Island Heights House tour” and view the other homes on the tour, you can purchase tickets from the Island Heights United Methodist Church.

Members: log in to receive discounts on most classes and more.  Click here to become a member.


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