Pickup and Dropoff Gallery Artwork

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Please pick up your artwork from last month’s show and drop off your artwork for next month’s show between 1:00-3:00 pm. (hours subject to change)
Be sure to sign out your work when you pick up. When dropping work put your name and the artwork information in the book.

A reminder on how artwork should be framed for hanging in the shows. (Print)

To have your artwork displayed on the website, please submit images using the link below. Submit your artwork images – Ocean County Artists’ Guild

How to name your image files:
Name your image files properly before you add them to the entry form:

Yourfirstname Yourlastname Title.jpeg

  • Do not add any other information to your image name.​ PLEASE name your image the way we ask. It helps us keep track of entries, create wall labels, and create our online slide shows.


Members: log in to receive discounts on most classes and more.  Click here to become a member.


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