Exposure Photography Pick Up

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As a reminder, you need to pick up your work from the Ocean County Artist Guild, 22 Chestnut Avenue, Island Heights, NJ, on Sunday, October 29th, between 2:00-6:00 pm.

All work must be picked up at that time, as there is simply no place to store your work. 

Winner checks for those who were not at awards show will also bi available to be picked up.


NOTE: Please know that if you are not going to pick up your work in person, you MUST contact us in advance by email at dan@danepstein.com or info@ocartistsguild.org to let us know whom you authorize to pick up your work. Your work will NOT be released to someone else without your written authorization.

NOTE: Commission checks will be mailed out within a month after show closes, at the latest.

Members: log in to receive discounts on most classes and more.  Click here to become a member.


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