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The Ocean County Artist Guild Photography Group meets this July 10, and the second Wednesday of every month at the Guild (22 Chestnut Street, Island Heights) at 7 pm. It’s a Fine Art Photography-oriented group in that more emphasis is placed on imagery than on aspects of technology.  Members share work and participate in a collegial style critique wherein they offer and receive constructive criticism from fellow members. Relevant topics are often discussed. The group is facilitated by Dan Epstein, a working photojournalist.

This month plans will be made for an upcoming group exhibition in August.

Meetings are the second Wednesday of the month from 7-9 PM.
Mark your 2024 calendar: 1/10, 2/14, 3/13, 4/10, 5/8, 6/12, 7/10, 8/14, 9/11, 10/9, 11/13, 12/12

 We hope you can come!
Thank you, Dan Epstein, Photography Group Coordinator

Members: log in to receive discounts on most classes and more.  Click here to become a member.


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