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Sunset on Deerhead Lake, photo by Kim Cesaretti

Honoring Our Heritage

Dear Members and Friends of the Ocean County Artists’ Guild, Summer is almost here and despite my best efforts to slow it, time flies and keeps marching on.  The sun is setting on my two-year tenure as President of OCAG.  As the spring air fills with the promise of new beginnings, so does the spirit of our beloved Guild. It is with great enthusiasm that I announce the upcoming 2024-2025 OCAG Executive Board Election!. This pivotal event invites each of you to step forward and help shape the future of our artistic community. We are seeking (read more)

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Artists and Artwork

Artists and Artwork

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Art Educators

Art Educators

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Upcoming Classes

OCAG171 Mono Tone Painting in Watercolor

June 26 @ 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

OCAG185 Childrens Art Weds-June

June 26 @ 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm

OCAG174 Gentle Yoga Stretch Thursdays

June 27 @ 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Our Galleries

Our Galleries - Ocean County Artists Guild

Our Online Shop

Our Shop - Ocean County Artists Guild